I've been recently conducting some job interviews, and met a spate of junior engineer candidates with a similar issue: they could quickly come up with pretty good overall idea of the solution, and they can write the code as such, but they would fail to translate this overall idea into the code. They couldn't divide the overall idea into components and then step by step work through the details and interdependencies of these components and sub-components, even with the intense hinting from my side.
This is something that should be done almost mechanically, with little mental effort. And yet they could not do it, they try to do it by intuition, but their intuition is not strong enough to handle this complex problem, and they don't know how to use the mechanical approach either. The hints don't help much because they don't cause the right mechanistic associations.
The problem I ask is actually quite difficult, too difficult for a perfectly adequate junior-to-midlevel engineer, and I'm not sure if I myself would have solved it well some 20 years ago (I know that I can solve it now, it came from my real-life experience where I had to do this thing from scratch real fast). So I don't expect a good solution from this category of candidates, a so-so solution is plenty good enough for them (although some of them do very well, producing a fully completed optimal solution). But there is a difference between producing a complete solution that is not that good and getting the right overall idea, figuring out the conceptual parts that I consider difficult and important (that the first group never figures out), only to fail miserably to work out all the details necessary to write the code. Not that the code doesn't get produced at all (though sometimes it doesn't), but what gets produced has glaring holes and is much worse than the code produced by the first group. Interestingly, I see a good deal more women than men in this second group. The first group is, I think, about even between men and women; this sounds like a statistical impossibility but this second group is small compared to the first one and doesn't shift the overall averages that much. Granted, the sample size is small, so it might well be a statistical fluctuation, or maybe not.
I don't want to discuss the exact problem I use, because I don't want it to spread over the internets, making me invent another one. But I've come up with a good analogy that illustrates the issue. Some time ago I've read about the artists that would ask people to draw a bicycle, and then would produce a bicycle in this drawn shape as an art object. It's suitable to be only an art object because it's completely non-functional. If I were to draw a bicycle without thinking, I would also produce something like that. But spending some thought, any engineer should be able to reproduce a proper bicycle from the general logic: the function of the main components (wheels, steering, seat, pedals, chain) and the general considerations of the strength of the frame that shape it. The same logic can be used to check that none of the main components were forgotten: for example, if you forget about the chain, the pedals would be left disconnected from the rear wheel, so you'd have to recall it. Each component might be very non-trivial (the said chain took a long time to invent), but once you know the components, it should be impossible to put them into a wrong place. If an engineer figured out the chain but couldn't put it into the right place, there is something very wrong with this engineer.
The problem, I think, is that people are not really taught to do this kind of thinking in programming. The books and college courses describe the syntax of the programming languages and the general picture but leave a void between these layers. People learn this on their own from the examples and practice. But the examples and practice tend to train the intuition, and people are left to figure out the mechanistic approach on their own, and they either figure it out or they don't. It looks like quite a few of the generally smart people either don't or take a long time to develop it. Not to say that there is anything wrong with intuition, it's my favorite thing, but the mechanistic approach allows to stretch a good deal beyond the immediate reach of intuition, and to grow the future intuition.
I've recently seen a question on Quora, approximately "As you gain more experience, do you still write code that works but you don't know why?", and this I think is exactly the difference between the intuitive and mechanistic solutions. The intuition might give you some code that works, or possibly doesn't. The mechanistic approach lets you verify that what the intuition provided actually does what it's supposed to do, and provides the stepping stones for the intuition to go further: both to fix what is going wrong, and to do the more complex multi-leap designs.
By the way, the functional programming in Haskell and such seems to be an area where people are exhibiting this issue in a particularly exaggerated way: they write the high-level code hoping that the compiler will do the mechanistic work for them, and the compiler does but often not in the way they expect.
Programming is not the only area with this kind of a teaching problem. I think math has the same issue. The way the proofs of various theorems are taught is usually not the way how the authors had discovered them. These proofs get edited and adjusted a lot to make them look easier to understand. But this loses the teaching aspect of how to create the new proofs.
So, how would you teach it? Perhaps by walking through the solutions of the complex problems, showing step by step, how the initial general ideas get gradually solidified, deducing the requirements for their elements, and recursively for the sub-elements, resolving the conflicts along the way, with setbacks and retries.
The bicycle example suggests that there is probably a general transferable skill too, and this skill can be trained by the puzzle games like the classic "The Incredible Machine" where the goal is to build a Rube Goldberg contraption to accomplish the particular goal from a set of components. Like in the real life, the tasks there might include the extra components that look useful but don't really work out, or provide multiple ways to reach the goal. This is of course different from programming in the way that you need to achieve only one exact goal, while in programming you have to solve a whole class of related goals that include the corner cases, but still is a good point to start.
So the better way to teach for programming would probably be a combination of the "lecture material" and of the puzzles where the students have to build the working code from a number of provided hints.
I actually know an old book that does something like this: Jon Bentley's "Programming Pearls". It's built around a somewhat different idea but maybe it's close enough.
This started as my thoughts on the field of Complex Event Processing, mostly about my OpenSource project Triceps. But now it's about all kinds of software-related things.
Thursday, October 25, 2018
Thursday, October 11, 2018
simplicity is in the eye of beholder
I've been recently discussing a design with someone. We both wanted the design to be simple but disagreed about the details. Eventually I've realized that we wanted the different kinds of simplicity.
For him, the simplicity was in the compact protocol messages. And if the endpoint logic to handle them becomes arcane, so be it.
For me, the simplicity was in the simple logic of the endpoints, and if the messages become larger and exchanged more frequently, so be it. (There are of course cases where the bandwidth matters but here the control messages represented a minor overhead either way).
For him, the simplicity was in the compact protocol messages. And if the endpoint logic to handle them becomes arcane, so be it.
For me, the simplicity was in the simple logic of the endpoints, and if the messages become larger and exchanged more frequently, so be it. (There are of course cases where the bandwidth matters but here the control messages represented a minor overhead either way).