Sunday, October 30, 2022

optimization 8 - the descent rate and V-shaped activation

 In the last post I've talked about how the computation with the V-shaped ("corner") activation function sometimes diverges badly. It turns out, the activation function as such is not the reason.

Another change I've done at the same time was to remove the limit on the weight values (or practically speaking, changed it from +-1 to +-1e10). That was the reason for divergence. Set the limit back to 1, and the divergence disappears. On the surface, that limit of 1 was arbitrary, so if we want to model arbitrary functions, it made sense to remove this limit (and in particular, to do a XOR in a single layer, I needed the values equal to 2). But unfortunately there is a connection between the weights (i.e. multipliers) and the rate of descent that can be used. Here is how it works.

There is a way to evaluate, what rate of descent is safe, it's used in the ISTA algorithm and uses the Lipschitz constant L. The safe rate of descent (that doesn't cause us to overshoot the minimum and diverge) is 1/L. L is defined as follows:

L = max( || grad_f(x) - grad_f(y) || / || x - y || )

What is what in this expression:

x and y are two arbitrary points in the multidimensional space of weights being optimized. I.e. each one of them is a vector (i.e. an array in programming terms) of all the weights.

grad_f() is the gradient (i.e. the multi-dimensional derivative) of the function being optimized. It gets computed at the argument values x and y. Note that even though the function produces a single value, the gradient is also an array, of the same size as the function argument (because it contains a partial derivative for each input dimension).

The double-vertical-line "parentheses" mean the norm operation, more exactly the second norm. It's something that I either haven't seen or didn't remember before from college but the norm operation is widely used in optimization. It's meaning is computing the length of the vector in the physical sense. There is this difference between math (and programming) and physics: in math (and programming) the length of the vector is the number of the dimensions in it, in physics it's the length of the arrow that goes from the origin to the point determined by the values of the vector as coordinates in a multidimensional space. So if you want to talk about this "physical length" in math, you'd get confused between two lengths, and thus they use a different word "norm" for it. 

There is also more than one kind of norms. In general they are written with the index, like ||x||_2, but if the index is not specified, 2 is assumed. The first norm, that also could be written as |x|, represents the distance as it's walked "in steps" along the coordinate axes. Yes, it's no accident that it's written in the same way as the absolute value: for a single dimension, the absolute value is the distance we walk form the origin to the value on a single axis. So norm 1 is the generalization of an absolute value for a vector. For another example, if we have a vector [4, -3], then we'd walk 4 steps along one dimension and 3 steps long another dimension, and norm 1 will be 7. It can be written as:

|x| = sum( abs(x[i]) )

The second norm uses squares and represents the distance in Euclidean space:

||x|| = sqrt( sum( x[i]^2 ) )

So for a vector [4, -3], norm 2 will be sqrt(4^2 + (-3)^2) = 5. Apparently there are higher norms too but I didn't look at them.

Returning to the formula for L, with all the parts parsed, the meaning of it is "if we do a step from any point x to any other point y, what will be the maximum change of gradients between these points, in relation to the length of the step taken?" This is important for the gradient descent because there we take the steps proportional to the gradient. So we make a step that is based on the gradient, and after the step we get another gradient. And we don't want to overstep the minimum, which means we don't want to go beyond the point where the gradient is 0. So if L is large, meaning that a small step can cause a large change in gradient, we should be taking only small steps, and if L is small, meaning that nothing much changes  until a large step, we can take the large steps. Hence the safe rate of descent is 1/L.

For the quadratic polynomial functions, L can be computed as a constant. The expression for L divides the difference in gradient by the difference in x, which is essentially the second derivative, which is constant for the quadratic polynomial functions. But it's a derivative computed from the worst possible point in the worst possible direction, so this constant may underestimate the allowed steps. Consider a simple function

f = 1000 * x[1]^2 + x[2]^2

Here the dimension x[1] with its high coefficient of 1000 is what will drive the constant L to a high value. This value of 1/L will be so good that it will really get us to the optimal value of x[1] in a single step, essentially applying Newton's method! (Possible for the simple functions that don't have dependencies between two variables). But then we'll have to take 1000 steps of this size in the dimension x[2] to get to its optimum. Not great but at least safe. There is a Matlab package for optimization called TFOCS, and what they do is measure the actual L from the recent steps: we've changed x[] by so much, and gradient has changed by so much, we can divide them and assume that it's a reasonable estimation of L for the part of the function where we're traveling. And hopefully we're traveling towards the optimum, where the gradients become smaller, so we can assume that L should be getting smaller too.  So in this example, after TFOCS gets the dimension x[1] right, it will detect that in the following steps L becomes smaller, and it can take the larger steps. 

We can do it for the more general functions too, where the second derivative is not constant but depends on X, with similar assumption that were' traveling towards the areas with smaller gradients, but they're kind of difficult in our case.

We can write out the loss function to minimize in the simplest case (for one neuron of the last layer) as

f = (x[1] * x[2] + x[3])^2

Here x[1] is one input, x[2] is one weight, and x[3] represents the whole rest of the neuron bunched together: the sum of other products of inputs and weights, and subtraction of the true result from the training case. Since I'd like to avoid dragging around the indexes, I'll rename the variables: x[1] will become x, x[2] will become y, and x[3] will become b:

f = (x*y + b)^2

Then the dimensions of its gradient will be:

df/dx = 2*y^2*x + 2*b*y = 2y(xy + b)

df/dy = [similarly] =2x(xy + b)

df/db = 2*x*y + 2*b = 2(xy + b)

Yes, b counts here as a variable too, cumulative of its internal parts. Let's do the initial computations for the square of L, then we can use the squares of the norms and not mess with roots for now. There let's use the indexes to identify the point, so the dimensions (x[0], y[0], b[0]) will be one point and (x[1], y[1], b[1]) will be the other point. Then the squared norm 2 for the points will be:

|| (x, y, b)[1] - (x, y, b)[0] || ^2 = (x[1] - x[0])^2 + (y[1] - y[0])^2 + (b[1] - b[0])^2

And the squared norm 2 for the gradients will be:

|| grad_f[1] - grad_f[0] ||^2 =
= (df/dx[1] - df/dx[0])^2 + (df/dy[1] - df/dy[0])^2 + (df/db[1] - df/df[0])^2 =
=  (2 y[1] (x[1]y[1] + b[1]) - 2 y[0] (x[0]y[0] + b[0]) )^2 +
  + (2 x[1] (x[1]y[1] + b[1]) - 2 x[0] (x[0]y[0] + b[0]) )^2 +
  + (2 (x[1]y[1] + b[1]) - 2 (x[0]y[0] + b[0]) )^2

Finding or even estimating the whole maximum is so far too complicated for me but as the first approximation let's consider what happens if the point moves in one direction only. For example, it moves by x and y[1]=y[0] and b[1]=b[0]. Then the expressions become simpler:

|| (x, y, b)[1] - (x, y, b)[0] || ^2 = (x[1] - x[0])^2

|| grad_f[1] - grad_f[0] ||^2 =
= (2 y^2 (x[1] - x[0]))^2 +
  + (2 (x[1]^2 - x[0]^2) y + 2 (x[1] - x[0]) b )^2 +
  + ( 2 (x[1] - x[0]) y )^2 =
= (2 y^2 (x[1] - x[0]))^2 +
  + (2 (x[1]^2 - x[0]^2) y )^2  + 8 y b  (x[1]^2 - x[0]^2) (x[1] - x[0]) + ( 2 (x[1] - x[0]) b )^2 +
  + ( 2 (x[1] - x[0]) y )^2

When we divide the squared norm of the gradient difference by the squared norm of points difference, we get:

L^2 =4 y^4 + 4 y^2 +
  + 8 y b (x[1]^2 - x[0]^2) / (x[1] - x[0]) +
  + 4 b^2 + 4 y^2

And there is a similar derivation for the other dimensions. This expression works out not so bad for |x| <= 1 and |y| <=1. In this situation we're guaranteed (x[1]^2 - x[0]^2) / (x[1] - x[0]) < 1, and all of the 2nd and 4th powers of y being < 1, so the result is limited to

L^2 <= 4 + 4 + 8 b + 4 b^2 + 4

and so 

L <= 2 * sqrt(b^2 + 2 b + 3)

 That's only one dimension for calculation of L, by x, but the other dimension by y is similar, and for dimension b the formula reduces to an even shorter one

L <= abs(2 * b)

So if we combine the dimensions (I'm not sure if this is the right thing to do but I guess close enough) the full L will be

L <=  2 * sqrt(3 b^2 + 4 b + 6)

This explains why in my small examples with very few neurons the training rate of 0.1 per round (divided by the number of training cases in a round) generally works well.

But if the weights are allowed to be over 1, then all of a sudden we get squares of large values, and L grows quite large, and 1/L becomes very small.

So I've tried to limit the weights to +-1, and lo and behold, the examples that used to be badly diverging, are now converging very nicely, and produce a decent approximation of a parabola with an error value quite close to a manually-built approximation.

I guess this means that much of the training speed can be gained with the right dynamic estimation of L. And I get the feeling that when we propagate the gradients backwards through the layers, and multiply them by the coefficients smaller than 1, this means that not only the gradients diminish but also the L value should be shrinking, and the learning rate of 1/L should be growing. But working this out will take more time and experimentation.

Monday, October 24, 2022

V-shaped NN activation function 2

I've got around to try the non-standard activation function I've described in the last post, I've named it "corner" function.  And there is some bad news, some good news.

First, since I've added support for arbitrary activation functions to FloatNeuralNet, I've tried the "leaky ReLU" too. It's like ReLU but the left side has a small positive gradient instead of 0. On the weird task I've been playing with (simulation of a smooth quadratic function) it didn't work any better than normal ReLU.

Then I've tried my corner function, first just a single neuron. And the result was mixed. Sometimes it did work decently, sometimes it didn't. It didn't when the breaking point happened to be outside of my range of input values. Just as I suspected, there is no consistent force that adjusts the breaking point's position horizontally, If it gets into range of training data, it does something (not great either), but if it isn't in range to start with, it does pretty much nothing, and the function reverts to doing a linear approximation.

So I've tried to solve this empirically. I've thought of measuring the amounts of error on the left and right side of the breaking point. Then if we have more error on one side, this probably means that this side is more non-linear than the other side. And we could approximate it better if we had to deal with fewer sample points on the more non-linear side, so we have to move the breaking point toward that side, until some points shift to the other side and the balance returns. This sort of reminds me of AdaBoost that tries to use the result of a partial solver to balance the results by some criterion, but obviously it's not quite the same thing. 

To give an example in beautiful ASCII art, in a situation like this, where the breaking point is marked with "@", the line produced by the neuron with "-" and the training points with "*":

                   * --
---- *           --
 *  ---- *     --
      * ---- --   *
           *@  *

shifting the breakin gpoint to the right would allow to do a better match on the right side without messing up the left side:

                   * -
---- *             -
 *  ---- *        -
      * ----     -*


For the measure of the error we can use the absolute value of sigma (sigma is the error gradient propagating from the higher layer). It's absolute because we don't care if the point is above or below our computed value, that part would be sorted out by optimization of the other weights. And the thing that shifts the breaking point is the bias weight in the neuron. So if the value produced by neuron before activation is positive (i.e. on the right side from the breaking point), we can use the gradient with abs(sigma), if negative (on the left side) then with -abs(sigma).

The question is, how exactly to fold it into the gradient. Just using it as a gradient seems to have too strong an effect. Except when the neuron produces a signal that is always very close to 0, then it's not enough, because sigma becomes very small. Adding a small constant of the same sign solves this particular problem. But the rest of the time it still seems too strong. For that I've tried to take a fraction of the absolute sigma. Then I've tried to mix it with the traditional gradient. Both worked better, but then there is the question of what fraction to take and at what proportion to mix? I don't know yet how to figure it out, and I'm not sure that the empiric values transfer well between different examples. So the other way I've tried was to compute

gradient = output_before_activation * abs(sigma)

It seems to work decently well but it prioritizes the far away points over the near ones, and I'm not sure if this is the right thing to do, it's rather counter-intuitive.

With this, an one-neuron model works quite well. The problems start with more neurons - sometimes they do converge quite well, much better than what I've seen with ReLU, and sometimes not. One weird thing that happens is that the model goes converging quite well for a while, and then all of a sudden the error jumps up, then continues converging. Sometimes the training rate turns out to be too high, and the model explodes. Maybe those jumps in the other cases are also results of the training rate being too high at some points, which causes these jumps. Or maybe as the breaking point shifts and a training point ends up on a different side of it, that causes a strong jump. Or maybe both are connected, I don't know yet. Sometimes the training rate turns out to be too low - this generally happens when a neuron is driven to produce near 0, which tends to happen when the random seeding makes the V point upside down, and then as it tries to rights itself, it sometimes ends up with a combination of weights that shrinks the gradients. This is not a unique problem, this is something that can happen with any neural network. By the way, this time the variant that computes the gradient for the whole training pass before adjusting the model tends to be more stable  than one that makes a step after each training case.

So where does it leave me? It looks like the whole thing can benefit from some momentum method to get out of the low-gradient situation, and from the auto-detection of the learning rate that is too high in the high-gradient situations. And maybe to think of some other way to prevent the wedging on 0s. The empiric solution for positioning the breaking point needs to be worked through the math, and maybe that would suggest a better solution too. And maybe the same way of adjusting the bias weight can be applied to the classic ReLU too (only the left side that generates 0 would probably have to use the sigma that didn't get zeroed by that yet).

Thursday, October 20, 2022

V-shaped NN activation function

In my previous post I've had the idea that maybe there should be a V-shaped activation function. After some thinking, I think I've got an idea of what this function could be. Let's call it A(x):

A(v) = {
    v < 0 : k1*v + k2;
    v = 0 : k2;
    v > 0: k3*v + k2;

It's not necessarily V-shaped as such, it just consists of two linear segments joined at a breaking point. k2 shifts this point vertically. Note that in the neuron formula (using the same variables as in

N(v[]) = sum(v[i] * x[i]) + x0

the offset x0 also shifts the result vertically, but does that before activation, effectively shifting the breaking point left or right, while k2 does it after activation and shifts the result up or down.

If the values happen to be k1=0, k2=0, k3=1, then A(x) is equivalent to ReLU. But a major difference here is that k1, k2, k3 also get adjusted by backpropagation. It nicely fits into the backpropagation model: the function is not contiguous but has a derivative at every point, and this derivative is generally not 0, and it's also a linear function, so it can even be applied after the last layer of neurons.

Applying the same sample logic for the last layer as in, if we have 

N(v[1..3]) = v[1]*x[1] + v[2] * x[2] + v[3]*x[3]

then after activation, assuming that f() < 0, the formula will be:

output = A(N(v[1..3]) = k1 * (v[1]*x[1] + v[2] * x[2] + v[3]*x[3]) + k2

Then the squared error  will be:

f(v[1..3]) = (k1 * (v[1]*x[1] + v[2] * x[2] + v[3]*x[3]) + k2 - b)^2

and using the same logic as before, the partial derivatives will be:

df/dx[1] = 2 * k1 * v[1] * (k1 * (v[1]*x[1] + v[2] * x[2] + v[3]*x[3]) + k2 - b) =
  = 2 * k1 * v[1] * (output - b)

df/dk1 = 2 * (v[1]*x[1] + v[2] * x[2] + v[3]*x[3])
    * (k1 * (v[1]*x[1] + v[2] * x[2] + v[3]*x[3]) + k2 - b) =
  = 2 * N(v[]) * (output - b)

df/dk2 = 2 * (k1 * (v[1]*x[1] + v[2] * x[2] + v[3]*x[3]) + k2 - b) =
  = 2 * (output - b)

And when propagating to the previous layers, the propagation back through the activation function will multiply the sigma value by its derivative:

dA/dv = {
  v < 0 : k1;
  v = 0 : 1;
  v > 0 : k2;

and the gradient (AKA derivative) for k1 or k3, depending on which path was taken, will be (N(v) * sigma), and for k2 it will be sigma.

Another interesting property of the V-shaped function is that it can implement a XOR logical operation on two inputs in one layer instead of the classical two. If we have false defined as -1 and true as 1 then we can define:

N(v[1], v[2]) = v[1] - v[2]

k1 = -1

k2 = -1

k3 = 1

It could also be argued that this activation function essentially adds an extra layer to every layer of neurons, but it's a special layer, much cheaper than a normal one. I think implementing an equivalent of V-shaped activation with plain ReLU would even require three layers to keep k2 common.

So it looks interesting and promising, although I'm not entirely sure that the breaking point will end up moving in the "intuitively correct" directions. Now I need to try and see. And first, reorganize the training code in FloatNeuralNet to support multiple kinds of activation functions, and factor out the repetitive code in it.

Monday, October 17, 2022

optimization 7 - follow-up to neural network corollaries

 I was able to do some experimentation, so I have a follow-up to the last post. If you want to refer to the FloatNeuralNet code (and especially do it in the future when the code will have progressed forward), the current version is .

First of all, it was bothering me that the indexing in the multidimensional training arrays of FloatNeuralNet was done all by hand and hard to keep track of, so I've changed it to use a more slice-like abstraction of ValueSubVector and ValueSubMatrix. And I've found a bug that was mixing up the first layer's weights pretty badly: an extra number that was supposed to be added to value was added to index, and read some garbage from memory (but not far enough to get out of the used memory and be detected by valgrind). Yes, a direct result of doing too much stuff manually. And it's been hard to detect because it didn't always show much, and with so many repeated computations it's rather hard to keep track of whether the result is correct or not. Fixing this bug removed the real bad results. Still, the results aren't always great, the square error for my test example on random seedings grouped into two groups: one at almost-0.09, one at 0.02-something, while starting with a manually constructed good example gave the error of 0.0077. (To remind, my basic test example is not very typical for the world of machine learning but tries to do an "analog neural network" that computes the square of a number between 0 and 1).

Next I've tried the reclaiming of unused neurons by just inverting the signs of weights, and setting the next-layer weights for its inputs to 0. With the bug fixed, this worked very well, pulling that weight out of 0 very nicely.

Next I've added a cumulative error and gradient computation to the main code (previously the error was computed by the test code). This introduced the methods for the start and end of the pass that initialize and summarize the stats for the pass, and methods for extracting the stats. As I have expected, the errors computed during the pass were mostly larger than the true error computed at the end of the pass, because of each training example of the pass receiving the weights in the state that's pulled by all the other training examples away from its optimum. But sometimes it also happens the other way around, I don't know why.

Computing the gradients and errors in a stable state is easy to do too: just do a pass with rate=0, so that the weights don't get changed. And then I've added a method to apply the computed gradient after the pass. So the whole procedure looks like this:

for (int i = 0; i < num_cases; i++) {
nn.train(inputs[i], ouputs[i], 0.); // rate 0 only computes the gradient

This actually does converge better than doing the gradient steps after each training case, most of the time. The trouble is with the other times: I've encountered an example where each step caused a neuron to become dead, and the training didn't work well at all. What happened is that the random seeding produced two dead neurons, and then after a reclamation, for all I can tell they ended up fighting each other: one pulling out of 0 pushed the other one into oblivion. The exact same example didn't exhibit this issue when doing the steps case-by-case. Which explains why the case-by-case updates are the classic way, they introduce the jigger that makes the gradient descent more stable in weird situations. BTW, you can mix two approaches too, and it works: just use non-0 rate in both train() and applyGradient().

Well, so far so good, so I've started looking into why do the random seedings produce two groups error-wise. I've even encountered a seeding that produced a sub-0.09 error but with the gradient going into 0, so it obviously thought that this is the best fit possible! It took me some time to understand what is going on, and then I've realized that all the sub-0.09 seedings produced a straight line dependency instead of an approximation of a parabola! And the 0.02-something seedings created a line consisting of either 2 segments, or 3 segments (which is as good as it gets with 3 neurons) but one segment being very short.

For all I can tell, the reason is that the network is designed to do a linear regression, and successfully does that, fitting a straight line as good as it gets. With the ReLU activation function (which is the only one I've tried so far), the nonlinearity is introduced by the "breaking point" that cuts off the values below 0, but there is nothing at all that optimizes this breaking point. It's position is merely a side effect of the multipliers and offset weight, and those get opimized for the position of the straight line, the breaking point becoming just a side effect. So this breaking point gets determined purely by the random seeding. I guess this might not matter for many of ML applications when the straight lines are good enough and there are many more possible combinations of input signs than there are neurons to make even the straight lines. But it explains why some kinds of ML models (if I remember right, the text processing ones) work with a sigmoid activation function but not with ReLU, even though theoretically sigmoids can be generated from ReLU (this is really the point of my tiny test model, can you generate an approximation of smooth function such as sigmoid with ReLU?). I'm not even sure that sigmoid works that well, since there the line has two (smoothed) "breaking points", which for all I can tell are not directly optimized either but positioned as a semi-random side effect of other optimization pressures. Maybe a way to combine the best features of ReLU and sigmoid would be to have a V-shaped activation function where two halves of the V get split off and fed to different inputs in the next layer, and the position of the center of the V gets directly driven by its own gradient. Yes, this would increase the cost of the NN, but only linearly, not quadratically, as increasing the number of neurons per layer would. But I have no answer yet on how exactly to do this, and whether it's possible at all.

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

optimization 6 - neural networks corollaries

Writing up the mathematical derivation of the backpropagation got me thinking about what else can be done with it. So I've decided to write these ideas down before I forgot. Not all of them, or maybe none of them, might pan out, I haven't tried yet. What bothers me is that some of these ideas should give some substantial improvements, and they're not that hard to think of, so if they do give substantial improvements, someone would have already thought about them and they would be used all over the place. But I think they aren't. So either they're wrong and don't give the improvements, or maybe they are used and only I in my ignorance don't know about it, or maybe they really are new and worth trying.

First, I think I've been wrong thinking that doing a gradient descent step based on all the training data is too much work. If we're going to minimize the error from all the training cases, then the function to minimize will be the sum of errors from all the cases. And if we want to compute a gradient, the gradient of the sum is equal to the sum of gradients of individual parts. And we can apply the exact same principle to the whole backpropagation. So doing this compound step won't even require that much memory: just a single gradient value keeping the sum for each weight. We'd backpropagate as usual, and as we compute the gradients, we will add them to the sums. But not change the weights yet. Only after a whole pass of training is done, we'd use the computed gradients to change the weights once.

But why bother with it? Well, there are methods to select a larger gradient step rate that will get us closer to the goal in one step (such as ISTA with its Lipschitz coefficient that is used for the estimation). Just scale it down by the number of layers, to account for each layer trying to do its own equal share of adjustment. And then we can also use the momentum methods, such as FISTA (it stands for Fast ISTA) to accelerate further, for each neuron. If this works right, this should accelerate the training big time, at least for the ReLU activation function that doesn't mess up the gradients much. So if nobody uses it, there should be something wrong with this idea. It will be interesting to try. Maybe something does get lost when many small steps get replaced by one big cumulative step.

Potentially, a larger ISTA-like step rate would work on the small individual steps too, just scale the steps down more, by the number of training cases. However there is a catch in this approach: if each step takes us closer to the optimum of one training case, then the last training case will have the strongest effect, while the effect from the first training case will be most diluted. Adding them up equally, trying to do its step from the same initial position, evens them out. If the steps are small anyway, this difference doesn't matter, but if we're aiming for the larger steps, maybe it would. On the other hand, if all the cases are pushing the outputs in about the same direction anyway, doing many small separate steps would follow the gradient curve better than one large step (because, remember, we would see the zigzags with the large steps). And if we do many training cases, and repeat them in many passes, there would not be any relative advantages between the cases, they would be constantly trading spaces, the first one again becoming the last one (except on the last pass). So maybe that's why nobody accumulates the gradients. But even then I still think that a larger Lipschitz-based rate can be used, and maybe even the momentum can be carried between the passes.

The cumulative gradient for the last layer can also be used to estimate one more thing: how close we are to the optimum, and so whether it's time to stop. The squared error itself can also be used for this estimation but the trouble with it is that we don't know, how close to zero can it ever potentially get for a given configuration of a neural network. If there are many more input data than neurons (which is usually the case) then the fit won't be perfect, and we don't know in advance, how good could it be. The gradient in the last layer will be gradually dropping (more or less) as we're getting closer to the optimum, so it would be a good indicator of how far we still are. Together the gradient and the squared error can also be used to detect overfitting, when the error near optimum becomes too small. Well, maybe the cumulative gradient for the last layer, whose parts are generated not all from the same starting point but over one pass of the moving network, would work just as good.

Another problem with a possible solution is what if the random seeding of the weights generates two neurons in the same layer that are very close to each other, or even identical? They will try to stay close, and together will be a waste of space, something I've seen on my very small test examples. The solution might be that we don't have to use the same step rate for all the neurons. If we use a slightly different rate for different neurons in the layer, it would gradually push them apart, and the farther apart they get, the more should be the difference in the pressures from the gradients, so this should naturally spread them in a more useful way. But each one would still be pushed towards achieving the global optimum, just at a different speed.

This got me thinking about yet another problem, of what if a neuron with ReLU becomes dead? I.e. none of the inputs produce a positive value, and after ReLU activation, the neuron always producing 0. One possibility that I didn't notice before is that the changes in the lower-level neurons might eventually resurrect the dead neuron in a natural way by changing its inputs. Except for the neurons of the level 0, these will never see the changes of inputs. So maybe it's worth waiting longer for the higher-layer neurons to become resurrected naturally before resurrecting them forcibly by reinitialization.

And it's been bothering me that I did this reinitialization by generating new random numbers, which is both unpredictable, and as an immediate effect messes up the quality of the whole network. So maybe a way to avoid the unpredictability is by adding the weights from another neuron at a fixed relative position to this one. They've been both random to start with, so now we're adding together pairs of random numbers, which should still give random numbers. If the technique above for separating the equal neurons works well, it can even be done without disturbing the quality of the network: copy the values from another network of the same layer, and split the weight corresponding to that other neuron in each neuron of the next layer into two parts (either equal, or maybe better not) and put the other part into the weight corresponding to the resurrected neuron. Initially they together will produce the same input to the next layer as the old neighboring neuron did, and then hopefully the backpropagation pressure will be pushing them further apart.

Or yet another solution to the unpredictability might be to simply  change sings of all the weights in a dead neuron, then it will be firing on all the inputs! And to avoid disruption, set all its connected weights in the next layer to 0.

Yet another problem seemed to be that the gradient is proportional to either the input value (for the gradient of weight), or to the weight (for the input value), and so if one becomes 0, the other one stops changing. If both ever become 0, they get stuck there forever. But if at least one of them is not 0, it might be able to push the other one out, which would also provide a positive reinforcement to itself, so they would bootstrap up and it really isn't a problem. But maybe this doesn't bootstrap too well, or people would not be recommending to make the initial random values larger. So maybe a solution there would be to forcibly change a value that is too close to 0 to a larger one for the purpose of the gradient computation. It will overestimate the gradient, but that will either be a good thing, or the next pass (or even step) will restore equilibrium by pushing the values back to 0. And we can also keep some hysteresis, and pull the gradient artificially up only if it would move the point in the same direction as before.

A kind of long list of things to try, next I'll need to find time for it all!

Monday, October 3, 2022

optimization 5 - backpropagation further backwards

In the previous post we've got the last layer, how do we backpropagate from it? Backpropagation fundamentally means, how do we modify the preceding layer to change the vector v? Which can be done by doing a gradient step on v. So they turn the expression around and say that now v is the variable and x is the constant (yeah, my attempt from the last post to avoid having x as a constant was ultimately in vain, but it got us through a good deal of description). Applying the symmetrical logic we get:

df/dv[k] = 2 * x[k] * (output - b) )

Note that here x[k] has the value from before it has done its own gradient step. The estimation of the gradient by v for the next step can be improved a little by using the new value of x and recomputing the new value of output. But since the step is small, it probably doesn't matter much, and computing the new output value is extra work.

In FloatNeuralNet code this happens in the line

    wsigma += weights_[weightpos] * s_next[i];

where s_next[i] was previously set to (2 * (out - outputs[i])). The addition is there because of the next part: each neuron in the inner layers affects multiple neurons in the next layer. 

To show what is going on, let's consider a small example with a neuron of a layer-before-last with 3 inputs, that feeds into two neurons of the last layer, in beautiful ASCII art:

                                        +--> *x[1][1]----V
                                        |    *x[1][2]--> sum = f1 -> -b[1]
u[1] -> *y[1]----V                      |    *x[1][3]----^
u[2] -> *y[2]--> sum = s -> act = v[1] -+
u[3] -> *y[3]----^                      |
                                        +--> *x[2][1]----V
                                             *x[2][2]--> sum = f2 -> -b[2]

Here I've used the variable names u and y for the input and weights of the new neuron. After summation it produces the value s, and after the activation function the value v[1]. This value v[1] is then fed as the first input of the last-layer neurons. The other inputs don't matter here, so they are not shown. The weights of the last-layer neurons are still x, but now with an extra index to tell to which neuron do they belong. The results of the last-layer neurons are f1 and f2, that are compared with the training outputs b[1] and b[2].

Let's consider for now that the activation function just passes its argument through (such as ReLU for the positive values), and so v[1] = s.

The full error (AKA loss) function f that we minimize will be

f = f1 + f2

The partial derivative by v[1] (AKA the first dimension of the gradient of f) will also be a linear combination:

df/dv[1] = df1/dv[1] + df2/dv[1] =
2 * x[1][1] * (output[1] - b[1]) ) + 2 * x[2][1] * (output[2] - b[2]) )

So that's where the addition comes from, the derivatives from the last-layer neurons are added up to get the derivative of the whole function that we're minimizing.

In the inner layers there are no squares on the outputs, so the derivatives are much easier to compute. If the activation function is pass-through then:

dv[1]/dy[k] = u[k]

If the activation function is not pass-through, its derivative gets included simply as a factor:

dv[1]/dy[k] = u[k] * (dv[1]/ds)

In FloatNeuralNet code this translates to the lines:

wsigma += weights_[weightpos] * s_next[i]; // in an inner loop
s_cur[prev] = der * wsigma;
// s_cur gets moved to s_next for the next iteration on the preceding layer
Value gradient = input * s_next[i];
Value newwt = saturate(weights_[weightpos] - rate * gradient);

And then it continues propagating in the same way through more and more layers.

An interesting consequence of all this is that on each layer there are two gradient descents going on: once by adjusting the weights of this layer, once by adjusting the previous layer. So if we really wanted to compute the perfect match for the weights of this layer and did it, then right after that the adjustment to the previous layers would overshoot the minimum towards the other side. So it's actually good that the descent rate value is on the small size, and it gets amplified by the number of layers:

The last layer descends by rate, and passes the gradient to the previous layer;
The next-to-last layer descends by rate
, and passes the gradient to the previous layer;
... and so on..

So the effective descent rate is really(rate*n_layers) , which means that the shallow neural nets can use a higher rate value than the deep ones. Well, I guess a counteracting force might be that on the way back the gradients might be getting more and more muddled and closer to 0, so the same rate in the earlier layers will produce a smaller effect.  Apparently, that's why in the very deep networks (over 100 layers) they make some layers double-connected, feeding both the next layer and another layer that is maybe 20 or 50 layers later, to bring in the stronger gradients. I wonder if a similar effect can be obtained by using a larger descent rate in the earlier layers.

optimization 4 - backpropagation for the last layer

As you might have guessed already from discussion of gradient descent, there is a direct relation between non-linear optimization and backpropagation. Previously I've pointed to as a good intro reading. Having the background optimization and looking at the neural network training problem as an optimization problem can explain, where does all this logic come from. Here is this explanation:

First, about the variable names. Traditionally, the linear regression stage in a neuron is described as:

output = sum(x[i] * w[i])

where I'll use the programming-like square-bracket indexes instead of the math-like subscript indexes; x is a vector of inputs and w is a vector of weights. By the way, what we call in programming the indexes or elements of a vector, in mathematics they call dimensions, sometimes not differentiating between the index and element, and using the word "dimension" for both. I'll use this word sometimes too. 

The thing though is that when doing the training, in this naming x is a constant and w is our variable that we're trying to optimize to achieve the training. Mathematically, it doesn't matter which letter is used for what, but I personally am used to x being a variable, so seeing it as a constant confuses me and makes me make more errors. So I'll use a different assignment of the names:

output = sum(v[i] * x[i])

where v is a vector of inputs and x is a vector of weights.

And let's ignore the non-linear activation function after the linear regression at the output side of the neuron for the moment. My experience shows that you can't use the ReLu function at the output of the last layer anyway, because the negative side won't backpropagate properly, and the Gentle Introduction also says that the activation function is not used after the last layer (and before this post is over, you'll see why). Thus let's start the consideration from the last layer that doesn't have this extra complexity.

We want to train the neuron to minimize the squared error on all the examples. I.e. if we have a set of N training examples, so that j-th example is (v[j], b[j]) where v is the vector of inputs and b is the expected output, then we want to minimize

f(x) =  sum{1 <= j <= N}( (ouput(v[j], x) - b[j])^2 

and if we expand the ouput() function and assume that the neuron has K inputs, that expression becomes:

f(x) = sum{1 <= j <= N}( (sum{1 <= i <= K}(v[j][i]*x[i]) - b[j])^2 )

If we ignore any boundaries, minimization would require just finding the values of x where the function is minimal, and since the function is quadratic and the shape of the curve will be a multidimensional parabola, there will be exactly one minimum that will be the global minimum. At this minimum the gradient (i.e. the multi-dimensional derivative) will be equal to 0, so it's even possible to find the minimum analytically: each dimension of the gradient will be linear (because the original function is quadratic, and a derivative loses one power), so equaling it to 0 will produce a system of linear equations that can be solved. 

Each dimension k of the gradient (the proper name for it is the "partial derivative of f() by x[k]") will be:

df/dx[k] = sum{1 <= j <= N}( 2 * v[j][k] * (sum{1 <= i <= K}(v[j][i]*x[i]) - b[j] )) 

where j is the index of the  training example, i is the index of the input of the neuron, and k is the index of the gradient's dimension (which has the same range 1 <= k <= K as the index of inputs).

An exact solution of a system of linear equations might be not so bad complexity-wise for a small number of inputs, but can get much worse for a large number of inputs. In that case it can be approximated by a gradient descent method, and with momentum methods it can be not so bad, say 100 steps of descent, each of quadratic time complexity, to get a decent approximation. The trouble though is that gives the perfect solution for only one neuron of the last layer, and then we'll do the backpropagation to the previous layers, and the inputs v will shift, and we'll need to do the same thing again. And also while we compute it, we'll need to remember the outputs of all the layers for all the examples to do the backpropagation. So when looking at the whole training problem, the complexity balloons very fast.

Instead people have come up with an inexact approximation. They said, let's do one training case at a time, it will give us some gradient step, the next case will give some other gradient step, and after all the cases are done, we'll get somewhere reasonably close to where we'd have been with the perfect soluton. And a small difference won't matter much because the inputs v will be shifting on the next step anyway. And we'll need to keep much less state at a time, just the outpus of all the layers for a single case, so every which way it's much cheaper. Because of these arbitrary wanderings in the middle of each training pass, they call it the stochastic gradient descent.

So OK, since we're looking at only one training case now, let's drop the index j, and the functions become:

f(x) = (sum{1 <= i <= K}(v[i]*x[i]) - b)^2 

df/dx[k] = 2 * v[k] * (sum{1 <= i <= K}(v[i]*x[i]) - b) )

I personally find the more concrete examples easier to understand and compute, so here is how I came up with the formulas above: I started with an example of a neuron with 3 inputs (i.e. K=3). Then the specific formula will be:

f(x) = (v[1]*x[i] + v[2]*x[2] + v[3]*x[3] - b)^2

To compute the gradient dimension, we'd need to expand this square, but we can note than in taking the derivative each term that doesn't contain x[k] will disappear, so we need only to bother with the terms that contain at least one x[k]. So for example for k=1 we can use the function approximation

f(x) = v[1]^2*x[1]^2 + 2*v[2]*x[2]*v[1]*x[1] + 2*v[3]*x[3]*v[1]*x[1] + (...)

df/dx[1] = 2*v[1]^2*x[1] + 2*v[2]*x[2]*v[1] + 2*v[3]*x[3]*v[1] =
= 2*v[1] * (v[1]*x[1] + v[2]*x[2] + v[3]*x[3])

And the same symmetrically for the other dimensions of x.

Alright, we've got the gradient. We can do one more simplification. Note that the sum inside it is equal to the output of the linear regression:

output = sum{1 <= i <= K}(v[i]*x[i]) 

So we can use it to compute the gradient:

df/dx[k] = 2 * v[k] * (output - b) )

After the gradient is computed, applying it is trivial. In the FloatNeuralNet code the gradient values are computed in two steps, first:

    s_cur[i] = 2 * (out - outputs[i]);

then in the next loop s_cur gets moved into s_next and

    Value gradient = input * s_next[i];
    Value newwt = saturate(weights_[weightpos] - rate * gradient);

Another thing to note is that this computation of gradients is valid only for the simple quadratic formula. If we were to insert an activation function after the linear regression, all the math will change, and I guess computing the gradients with included sigmoid is too much work.

And the third thing to note is that batching as it's normally done is not equivalent to  computing the minimum on the whole training set. Batching combines the training examples, and hence the errors produced on them, linearly. The minimization on the whole set combines the errors quadratically. Although I guess nothing really prevents us from doing a small number of training examples separately and then combining them quadratically. It would be a quadratic batching. But I'm not sure if it's worth the trouble. If nobody does it, it probably isn't.

By now this post is growing too large, so I'll talk about the further backpropagation in the next post.