I've recently got Triceps used for a real application, for the first time ever, after approximately 13 years. Not really a production usage, rather a scientific demo, but it's an outside project, not part of Triceps itself. Embedded in Matlab, or all things. No, not a full Matlab API, but an application written in C++ embedded as a native function into Matlab. Which is exactly what Triceps was designed for.
But really Matlab and Triceps with a full Matlab API might be a match made in heaven. Matlab really sucks at two things: the data structures where you can append and search by value, and parallelism. And those are things where Triceps excels. Yeah, Matlab has the parfor loops but the trouble there is that the parallel threads (they're more typically processes but logically still threads) are stateless. All the input data is packed up and sent to them (at a great overhead), and then the results are packed up and sent back. You can't just preserve state in a thread between two calls, it has to be sent from scratch every time. And no, it doesn't seem to be the same constant in shared memory read in parallel by multiple threads. It actually gets copied for every thread. So parfor only works well when you send a small amount of data, process it for some long time, and then send a small result back. Not well when you want your thread to make queries to a large database. But keeping state is what a Triceps thread does. The Triceps threads are also easy to organize in pipelines. (Yeah, Matlab does have some pipelines in one of extensions, but they seem as cumbersome as parfor). And the read-only shared memory would work too if queried through Triceps and only small results of the queries get returned to Matlab. It could work really, really awesomely together. The trouble of course is that I personally don't have much of an incentive to do this work.
That's the good part. What went badly? Well, Triceps in C++ feels rather dated. It's a project that was started in 2010, before C++11, and it feels like that. I didn't even aim for C++ to be the main language, but more as an API for embedding into the other languages. But now it can be done much more smoothly straight in C++. So if I ever get to it, a modernization of the C++ API is in order. Some libraries are dated too, in particular NSPR. It also proved to be a pain in building: I haven't thought much about it before, but the definitions used in building of the applications that use Triceps have to be the same as when building Triceps itself. So if triceps is built with NSPR, and the application doesn't include the right definitions for the Triceps headers to use NSPR, it crashes in a surprising way. Fortunately, the standard C++ library now has APIs for the atomic values, so transition to that API is now in order. On the other hand, shared_ptr is a more complicated question, and keeping the Triceps Autoref might still be better for efficiency.