The joins are quite important for the relational data processing, and come in many varieties. And the CEP systems have their own specifics. Basically, in CEP you want the joins to be processed fast. The CEP systems deal with the changing model state, and have to process these changes incrementally.
A small change should be handled fast. It has to use the indexes to find and update all the related result rows. Even though you can make it just go sequentially through all the rows and find the relevant ones, like in a common database, that's not what you normally want. When something like this happens, the usual reaction is "wtf is my model suddenly so slow?" following by an annoyingly long investigation into the reasons of the slowness, and then rewriting the model to make it work faster. It's better to just prevent the slowness in the first place and make sure that the joins always use an index. And since you don't have to deal much with the ad-hoc queries when you write a CEP model, you can provide all the needed indexes in advance very easily.
A particularly interesting kind of joins in this regard is the equi-joins: ones that join the rows by the equality of the fields in them. They allow a very efficient index look-up. Because of this, they are popular in the CEP world. Some systems, like Aleri, support only the equi-joins to start with. The other systems are much more efficient on the equi-joins than on the other kinds of joins. At the moment Triceps follows the fashion of having the advanced support only the equi-joins. Even though the sorted indexes in Triceps should allow the range-based comparisons to be efficient too, at the moment there are no table methods for the look-up of ranges, they are left for the future work. Of course, nothing stops you from copying an equi-join template and modifying it to work by a dumb iteration. Just it would be slow, and I didn't see much point in it.
There also are three common patterns of the join usage.
In the first pattern the rows sort of go by and get enriched by looking up some information from a table and tacking it onto these rows. Sometimes not even tacking it on but maybe just filtering the data: passing through some of the rows and throwing away the rest, or directing the rows into the different kinds of processing, based on the looked-up data. For a reference, in the Coral8 CCL this situation is called "stream-to-window joins". In Triceps there are no streams and no windows, so I just call them the "lookup joins".
In the second pattern multiple stateful tables are joined together. Whenever any of the tables changes, the join result also changes, and the updates get propagated through. This can be done through lookups, but in reality it turns out that defining manually the lookups for the every possible table change becomes tedious pretty quickly. This has to be addressed by the automation.
In the third pattern the same table gets joined recursively, essentially traversing a representation of a tree stored in that table. This actually doesn't work well with the classic SQL unless the recursion depth is strictly limited. There are SQL extensions for the recursive joins in the modern databases but I haven't seen them in the CEP systems yet. Anyway, the procedural approach tends to work for this situation much better than the SQLy one, so the templates tend to be of not much help. Instead I'll show a manual example of this kind.
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