Tuesday, April 30, 2013

ThreadedClient: a Triceps expect

In case if you're not familiar with it, "expect" is a program that allows to connect to the interactive programs and pretend being an interactive user. Obviously, the terminal programs, not the GUI ones. It has originally been done as an extension for Tcl, and later ported as a library for Perl and other languages.

The class Triceps::X::ThreadedClient implements a variety of expect in the Triceps framework. I'm using it for the unit tests of the Triceps servers but it can have other uses as well. Why not just use expect? One reason, I don't like bringing in extra dependencies, especially just for tests, second, it was an interesting exercise, and third, I didn't realize that I'm writing a simplified variety of expect until I had it mostly completed. The biggest simplification is that ThreadedClient works with the complete lines.

It gets used in the unit tests like this: first the server gets started in a background process or thread, and then this port number is used to create the clients. The ThreadedClient gets embedded into a Triceps App, so you can start other things in the same App. Well, the names of the ThreadedClient threads are hardcoded at the moment, so you can start only one copy of it per App, and there could be conflicts if you start your other threads.

But first you need to start an App. I'll do it in yet another way this time:

  Triceps::App::build "client", sub {
    my $appname = $Triceps::App::name;
    my $owner = $Triceps::App::global;

    my $client = Triceps::X::ThreadedClient->new(
      owner => $owner,
      port => $port,
      debug => 0,


    $client->expect("c1", '!ready');

    # this repetition
    $client->send("c1", "publish,*,zzzzzz\n");
    $client->send("c1", "publish,*,zzzzzz\n");
    $client->expect("c1", '\*,zzzzzz');
    $client->expect("c1", '\*,zzzzzz');

    $client->expect("c2", '!ready,cliconn2');

    $client->send("c1", "kill,cliconn2\n");
    $client->expect("c2", '__EOF__');

    $client->send("c1", "shutdown\n");
    $client->expect("c1", '__EOF__');

Triceps::App::build() is kind of like Triceps::Triead::startHere() but saves the trouble of parsing the options. The app name is its first argument and the code for the main routine of the first thread is the second argument. That first Triead will run in the current Perl thread. After that the name of the app is placed into the global variable $Triceps::App::name, the App object into Triceps::App::app, and the TrieadOwner into $Triceps::App::global. The name of the first Triead is hardcoded as "global".  After the main function exits, Triceps::App::build runs the harvester, very similar to startHere().

Triceps::X::ThreadedClient->new() is used to start an instance of a client. The option "owner" gives it the current TrieadOwner as a starting point but it will create its own threads starting from this point. The option "port" specifies the default port number for the connections.

The option "debug" is optional, with the default value of 0. In this mode it collects the protocol of the run but otherwise runs silently. Setting the debug to 1 makes it also print the protocol as it gets collected, so if something goes not the way you expected, you can see what it is. Setting the debug to 1 also adds the printouts from the socket-facing threads, so you can also see what goes in and out the client socket.

 After that the clients get started with startClient(). Its first argument is a symbolic name of the client that will be used in the further calls and also in the protocol. The second optional argument is the port number, if you want to use a different port than specified in the new().

After that the data gets sent into the client socket with send(), and the returned lines get parsed with expect(). The usual procedure is that you send something, then expect some response to it. The send lines are included into the protocol with the prefix "> ".

The second argument of expect() is actually a regexp placed inside a string. So to expect a literal special character like '*', prefix it with a backslash and put the string into single quotes, like:

    $client->expect("c1", '\*,zzzzzz');

The expect() keeps reading lines until it finds one matching the regexp. Then all the lines including that one are added to the protocol and the call returns.

There are a couple of special lines generated by the connection status itself rather than coming from the socket. When the socket gets connected, it generates the line "> connected name" in the protocol (but not as an expectable input). When the connection gets dropped, this generates an expectable line "__EOF__". And each line in the protocol gets prefixed with the client name and "|". The example of the chat server run in the previous post was created by the ThreadedClient.

The protocol can be extracted as $client->protocol(). So for unit tests you can check the protocol match as

ok($client->protocol(), $expected);

Internally the ThreadedClient is very much like the chat server, so there is not a whole lot of point in going over it in detail. But feel free to read it on your own.

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