use Triceps; $hwunit = Triceps::Unit->new("hwunit") or die "$!"; $hw_rt = Triceps::RowType->new( greeting => "string", address => "string", ) or die "$!"; my $print_greeting = $hwunit->makeLabel($hw_rt, "print_greeting", undef, sub { my ($label, $rowop) = @_; printf "%s!\n", join(', ', $rowop->getRow()->toArray()); } ) or die "$!"; $hwunit->call($print_greeting->makeRowop(&Triceps::OP_INSERT, $hw_rt->makeRowHash( greeting => "Hello", address => "world", ) )) or die "$!";
What happens there? First, we import the Triceps module. Then we create a Triceps execution unit. An execution unit keeps the Triceps context and controls the execution for one thread. Nothing really stops you from having multiple execution units in the same thread, however there is not a whole lot of benefit in it either. But a single execution unit must never ever be used in multiple threads. It's single-threaded by design and has no synchronization in it. The argument of the constructor is the name of the unit, that can be used in printing messages about it. It doesn't have to be the same as the name of the variable that keeps the reference to the unit, but it's a convenient convention to make the debugging easier.
If something goes wrong, the constructor will return an undef and set the error message in $!. This actually has turned out to be not such a good idea as it seemed, since writing "or die" at every line quickly turns tedious. And there is usually not much point in catching the errors of this type, since they are essentially the compilation errors and should cause the program to die anyway. So, this will be soon changed throughought the code to just die with the message (and if it needs to be caught, it can be caught with eval).
The next statement creates the type for rows. For the simplest example, one row type is enough. It contains two string fields. A row type does not belong to an execution unit. It may be used in parallel by multiple threads. Once a row type is created, it's immutable, and that's the story for pretty much all the Triceps objects that can be shared between multiple threads: they are created, they become immutable, and then they can be shared. (Of course, the containers that facilitate the passing of data between the threads would have to be an exception to this rule).
Then we create a label. If you look at the "SQLy vs procedural" example a little while back, you'll see that the labels are analogs of streams in Coral8. And that's what they are in Triceps. Of course, now, in the days of the structured programming, we don't create labels for GOTOs all over the place. But we still use labels. The function names are labels, the loops in Perl may have labels. So a Triceps label can often be seen kind of like a function definition, but so far only kind of. It takes a data row as a parameter and does something with it. But unlike a proper function it has no way to return the processed data back to the caller. It has to either pass the processed data to other labels or collect it in some hardcoded data structure, from which the caller can later extract it back. This means that until this gets worked out better, a Triceps label is still much more like a GOTO label or Coral8 stream than a proper function. Just like the unit, a label may be used in only one thread.
A label takes a row type for the rows it accepts, a name (again, purely for the ease of debugging) and a reference to a Perl function that will be processing the data. Extra arguments for the function can be specified as well, but there is no use for them in this example.
Here it's a simple unnamed function. Though of course a reference to a named function can be used instead, and the same function may be reused for multiple labels. Whenever the label gets a row operation to process, its function gets called with the reference to the label object, the row operation object, and whatever extra arguments were specified at the label creation (none in this example). The example just prints a message combined from the data in the row.
Note that a label doesn't just get a row. It gets a row operation ("rowop" as it's called throughout the code). It's an important distinction. A row just stores some data. As the row gets passed around, it gets referenced and unreferenced, but it just stays the same until the last reference to it disappears, and then it gets destroyed. It doesn't know what happens with the data, it just stores them. A row may be shared between multiple threads. On the other hand, a row operation says "take these data and do a such and such thing with them". A row operation is a combination of a row of data, an operation code, and a label that is to execute the operation. It is confined to a single thread. Inside this thread a reference to a row operation may be kept and reused again and again, since the row operation object is also immutable.
Triceps has the explicit operation codes, very much like Aleri (only Aleri doesn't differentiate between a row and row operation, every row there has an opcode in it, and the Sybase CEP R5 does the same). It might be just my background, but let me tell you: the CEP systems without the explicit opcodes are a pain. The visible opcodes make life a lot easier. However unlike Aleri, there is no UPDATE opcode. The available opcodes are INSERT, DELETE and NOP (no-operation). If you want to update something, you send two operations: first DELETE for the old value, then INSERT for the new value. There will be a section later with more details and comparisons, but for now that's enough information.
For this simple example, the opcode doesn't really matter, so the label function quietly ignores it. It gets the row from the row operation and extracts the data from it into the Perl format, then prints them. There are two Perl formats supported: an array and a hash. In the array format, the array contains the values of the fields in the order they are defined in the row type. The hash format consists of name-value pairs, which may be stored either in an actual hash or in an array. The conversion from row to a hash actually returns an array of values which becomes a hash if it gets stored into a hash variable.
As a side note, this also suggests, how the systems without explicit opcodes came to be: they've been initially built on the simple stateless examples. And when the more complex examples have turned up, they've been aready stuck on this path, and could not afford too deep a retrofit.
The final part of the example is the creation of a row operation for our label, with an INSERT opcode and a row created from hash-formatted Perl data, and calling it through the execution unit. The row type provides a method to construct the rows, and the label provides a method to construct the row operations for it. The call() method of the execution unit does exactly what its name implies: it evaluates the label function right now, and returns after all its processing its done.
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