Saturday, September 8, 2012


The FifoIndexType works the same way as in Perl, except that it provides two ways to set the configuration values: either as the constructor arguments or as chainable methods:

FifoIndexType(size_t limit = 0, bool jumping = false, bool reverse = false);
static FifoIndexType *make(size_t limit = 0, bool jumping = false, bool reverse = false);

FifoIndexType *setLimit(size_t limit);
FifoIndexType *setJumping(bool jumping);
FifoIndexType *setReverse(bool reverse);

So the following are equivalent:

Autoref<IndexType> it1 = new FifoIndexType(100, true, true);
Autoref<IndexType> it2 = FifoIndexType::make()

As usual, the settings can be changed only until the initialization. The settings can be read back at any time with

size_t getLimit() const;
bool isJumping() const;
bool isReverse() const;

Note that the limit is unsigned, and setting it to negative values results in it being set to very large positive values. The limit of 0 means "unlimited".

All the common methods inherited from IndexType and Type work as usual.

The equals() and match() are equivalent for the FifoIndexType, and are true when all the parameters are set to the same values.

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