Friday, September 28, 2012

Streaming functions introduction

Now for a moment let's take a break from the C++ API description (especially that it's a good spot, with all the types described), and talk about something new for version 1.1. I've been working on it in the background.

This new thing is the streaming functions. It's a cool and advanced concept, I've never seen it anywhere before, and for all I know I have invented it.

First let's look at the differences between the common functions and macros (or templates and such). Please turn your attention to the illustration below:

What happens during a function call? Some code (marked with the light bluish color) is happily zooming along when it decides to call a function. It prepares some arguments and jumps to the function code (reddish). The function executes, computes its result and jumps back to the point right after it has been called from. Then the original code continues from there (the slightly darker bluish color).

What happens during a macro (or template) invocation? It starts with some code zooming along in the same way, however when the macro call time comes, it prepares the arguments and then does nothing. It gets away with it because the compiler has done the work: it has placed the macro code right where it's called, so there is no need for jumps. After the macro is done, again it does nothing: the compiler has placed the next code to execute right after it, so it just continues on its way.

So far it's pretty equivalent. An interesting difference happens when the function or macro is called from more than one place. With a macro, another copy of the macro is created, inserted between its call and return points. That's why in the figure the macro is shown twice. But with the function the same function code is executed, and then returns back to the caller. That's why in the figure there are two function callers with their paths through the same function. But how does the function know, where should it jump on return? The caller tells it by pushing the return address onto the stack. When the function is done, it pops this address from the stack and jumps there.

Still, it looks all the same. A macro call is a bit more efficient, except when a large complex macro is called from many places, then it becomes more efficient as a function. However there is another difference if the function or macro holds some context (say, a static variable): each invocation of the macro will get its own context but all the function calls will share the same context. The only way to share the context with a macro is to pass some global context as its argument.

Now let's jump to the CEP world. The Sybase or StreamBase modules are essentially macros, and so are the Triceps templates. When such a macro gets instantiated, a whole new copy of it gets created with its tables/windows and streams/labels. Its input and output streams/labels get all connected in a fixed way. The limitation is that if the macro contains any tables, each instantiation gets a copy of it. Well, in Triceps you can use a table as an argument to a template In the other systems I think you still can't, so if you want to work with a common table in a module, you have to make up the query-response patterns, like the one described in the manual section "Comparative modularity".

In a query-response pattern there is some common sub-model, with a stream (in Triceps terms, a label, but here we're talking the other systems) for the queries to come in and a stream for the results to come out (both sides might have not only one but multiple streams). There are multiple inputs connected, from all the request sources, and the outputs are connected back to all the request sources. All the request sources (i.e. callers) get back the whole output of the pattern, so they need to identify, what output came from their input, and ignore the rest. They do this by adding the unique ids to their queries, and filter the results. In the end, it looks almost like a function but with much pain involved.

To make it look quite like a function, one thing is needed: the selective connection of the result streams (or, returning to the Triceps terminology, labels) to the caller. Connect the output labels, send some input, have it processed and send the result through the connection, disconnect the output labels. And what you get is a streaming function. It's very much like a common function but working on the streaming data arguments and results.

The next figure highlights the similarity and differences between the query patterns and the streaming functions.

The thick lines show where the data goes during one concrete call. The thin lines show the connections that do exist but without the data going through them at the moment (they will be used during the other calls, from these other callers). The dashed thin line shows the connection that doesn't exist at the moment. It will be created when needed (and at that time the thick arrow from the streaming to what is now the current return would disappear).

The particular beauty of the streaming functions for Triceps is that the other caller's don't even need to exist yet. They can be created and connected dynamically, do their job, call the function, use its result, and then be disposed of. The calling side in Triceps doesn't have to be streaming either: it could as well be procedural.

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