Saturday, December 1, 2018

Triceps in flux

I've finally updated my machine to a modern version of Linux (Mint 19), and now I'm going through, so to say, bringing Triceps into the Century of the Fruit Bat. Both C++ and Perl languages have changed, (and as has been mentioned in a previous post, Ghostscript had functionality removed).

Most annoyingly, C++ doesn't allow to call even the non-virtual methods on the NULL pointers any more. Well, it does allow to call them, but  auto-removes any checks for (this == NULL) inside the methods. And I've been using this in multiple places. But now it's all worked around by using the special static objects and the code builds again.

The tests still fail though, but now it's hopefully all trivial: some message got changed because of the different hashing, and also the Perl tests fail because the syntax of regexps got changed in Perl 5.26, it doesn't accept the plain "{" in the patterns any more. But I'm working on it.

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