Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Facet reference, Perl, part 2

As mentioned before, a Facet object is returned from either a nexus creation or nexus import. Then the owner thread can work with it.

$result = $fa->same($fa2);

Check whether two references point to the same Facet object.

$name = $fa->getShortName();

Get the short name of the facet (AKA "as-name", with which it has been imported).

$name = $fa->getFullName();

Get the full name of the nexus represented by this facet. The name consists of two parts separated by a slash, "$thread/$nexus".

$result = $fa->isWriter();

Check whether this is a writer facet (i.e. writes to the nexus). Each facet is either a writer or a reader, so if this method returns 0, it means that this is a reader facet.

$result = $fa->isReverse();

Check whether this facet represents a reverse nexus.

$limit = $fa->queueLimit();

Get the queue size limit of the facet's nexus. I think I forgot to mention it in the Nexus reference, but for a reverse nexus the returned value will be a large integer (currently INT32_MAX but the exact value might change in the future). And if some different limit value was specified during the creation of the reverse nexus, it will be ignored.

$limit = &Triceps::Facet::DEFAULT_QUEUE_LIMIT();

The constant of the default queue size limit that is used for the nexus creation, unless explicitly overridden.

$fret = $fa->getFnReturn();

Get the FnReturn object of this facet. This FnReturn will have the same name as the facet's short name, and it has a special symbiotic relation with the Facet object. Its use depends on whether this is a reader or writer facet. For a writer facet, sending rowops to the labels in FnReturn (directly or by chaining them off the other labels) causes these rowops to be buffered for sending into the nexus. For a reader facet, you can either chain your logic directly off the FnReturn's labels, or push an FnBinding onto it as usual.

$nexus = $fa->nexus();

Get the facet's nexus. There is not a whole lot that can be done with the nexus object, just get the introspection information, and the same information can be obtained directly with the facet's methods.

$idx = $fa->beginIdx();

Index (as in "integer offset", not a table index) of the _BEGIN_ label in the FnReturn's set of labels. There probably isn't much use for this method, and its name is somewhat confusing.

$idx = $fa->endIdx();

Index (as in "integer offset", not a table index) of the _END_ label in the FnReturn's set of labels. There probably isn't much use for this method, and its name is somewhat confusing.

$label = $fa-> getLabel($labelName);

Get a label from FnReturn by name. This is a convenience method, equivalent to $fa->getFnReturn()->getLabel($labelName). Confesses if the label with this name is not found.

@rowTypes = $fa->impRowTypesHash();

Get ("import") the whole set of row types exported through the nexus. The result is an array containing the name-value pairs, values being the imported row types. This array can be assigned into a hash to populate it. As it happens, the pairs will be ordered by name in the lexicographical order but there are no future guarantees about it.

The actual import of the types is done only once, when the nexus is imported to create the facet, and the repeated calls of the imp* methods will return the same objects.

$rt = $fa->impRowType($rtName);

Get ("import") one row type by name. If the name is not known, will confess.

@tableTypes = $fa->impTableTypesHash();

Get ("import") the whole set of table types exported through the nexus. The result is an array containing the name-value pairs, values being the imported table types. This array can be assigned into a hash to populate it. As it happens, the pairs will be ordered by name in the lexicographical order but there are no future guarantees about it.

The actual import of the types is done only once, when the nexus is imported to create the facet, and the repeated calls of the imp* methods will return the same objects.

$tt = $fa->impTableType($ttName);

Get ("import") one table type by name. If the name is not known, will confess.

$result = $fa-> flushWriter();

Flush the collected buffered rowops to the nexus as a single Xtray. If there are no collected rowops, does nothing. Returns 1 if the flush succeeded (even if there was no data to send), 0 if this thread was requested to die and thus all the collected data gets thrown away, same as for the TrieadOwner::flushWriters(). The rules for when this method may be called is also the same: only after calling readyReady(), or it will confess.

If this facet is in an input-only Triead, this call may sleep if a drain is currently active, until the drain is released.

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