Wednesday, September 28, 2022

optimization 2 - solving the linear programming

The classic way of solving the linear programming problems is the Simplex Algorithm. It basically starts with an arbitrary corner (a tricky part is to find any starting corner) and then goes ("pivots") from there to the next neighboring corner that is lower, and so on, until it finds the lowest corner. Only it's all done as computations on vectors and matrices. It also turns out that as we get more than 2 dimensions to intersect with the plane of the function, there can be multiple corners at the same level that is not optimal, while the whole shape still is convex. So it may take the algorithm some time to sort out though these equal corners before finding one that las a connection to a corner going further down, or it may even get stuck going in circles between the same corners (but it will know that it's not at an optimum yet). For some reason they didn't talk about the obvious solution for going in circles: remember, which corners have been already tried at the current "plateau" and don't try them the second time, try the different ones (and yes, you can see, which corners are part of the plateau, they will have the key metric equal to 0).

And as it turns out, each LP problem has a related "dual" problem that it can be mechanically converted to (and it's symmetric, the second conversion, the "dual of the dual" will give the original "primal" problem). Mathematically, the dual problem is produced essentially by transposing the matrix that represents the set of inequalities, "turning it sideways", so that each variable in the primal problem is converted to an inequality in the dual one, and each inequality in the primal problem to a variable in the dual one. Logically, the relation between the problems is like this: A typical (um, "standard form" if I remember right) LP problem can also be represented as a graph of pipelines (or trade routes) of certain capacity, with the question of how to maximize the flow between two given points by using all the possible intermediate paths to the maximum of capacity - how much do we sent through each pipe? The dual problem for it would be, if we want to cut the connection between these two points completely by blocking the pipes with least possible total capacity, which pipes do we block?

Both sides of the problem are about finding the bottleneck, the primal about using it to the max, the dual about blocking it, so if you find the bottleneck in one way, it gives you the solution for the other way too. And it turns out that the dual version may be easier to solve: the major difficulty for Simplex Algorithm is finding any valid corner as a starting point, and the conversion from primal to dual provides this starting point for the dual problem. Hence the Dual Simplex Algorithm.

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