Tuesday, December 20, 2022

FloatNeuralNet classifier training mode

Continuing the story from the previous post, I've been experimenting with the MNIST classifier of handwritten digits from ZIP codes some more, and I've tried to improve on it by adding a special mode for gradient computation:

The point of a classifier is that it produces a result with the highest value at the output that corresponds to the correct classification, and the exact values on the outputs don't mater that much. So when training, it makes sense to check whether a particular training case already produces the correct result, and if so then "dampen" it to give the training cases that are still producing incorrect results a greater chance to shift the weights for their benefit. I've done this "dampening" by multiplying the gradients of the correct cases by a value less than 1. I've started with this value set at 1/1000 but that tended to produce rather wild swings where a small number of incorrect cases would pull the weights towards themselves only to make a large number of formerly correct cases incorrect. I've reduced it to 1/100 and that worked out quite well. I'm not sure if the selection of this multiplier depends on the number of training cases, FWIW, the MNIST set has a little over 7000 training cases. 

And to make sure that the training doesn't get too slow, I've added the auto-rescaling of the training rate, so that the potential sum of the gradients would total up the same. This made it a bit more touchy, since there is a greater chance of the gradient getting dominated by only one training case, and a smaller base rate (I've reduced it by a factor of 3) was needed to avoid the meltdown into overshoots. Maybe I'll embed this safety factor into the auto-rescaling at some point, I'm just not sure yet how to pick it for the general case.

The end result is a bit mixed. It worked very, very well for the training set, bringing the error rate (i.e. the number of cases that produce a wrong value) to zero. And the mean square error went the same or slightly better as with the plain implementation, meaning that not only the previously neglected cases are getting attention but also they get incorporated better into the common model and don't hurt the others. The mean square error on the test set also went slightly better, the best I've seen so far at 0.193 (an improvement of almost 0.01 over the plain version). But the error rate on the test set, which I hoped to improve, still stayed at around 5.5%, not really an improvement there. I've seen it go down to 5% and then grow again on the following rounds of training, while the mean square error became better. 

So for all I can tell, the test set really does contain some characters that are substantially unlike any of the characters in the training set. And probably the only way to do better is to actually look at them and figure out what is different about them and then  manipulate the training set to introduce variability by generating multiple slightly different versions of each character. I've kind of got interested in this puzzle, so maybe I'll find time to try this. Or maybe I'll try to implement the convolution first but by now I doubt that it would help much with this specific problem on its own. Maybe a general way to approach this variability would be to do some unsupervised classification of the images of the same digit, to produce the groups  of distinct ways to write it. But that looks difficult.

Another simple thing to try would be to make the classifier preference even stronger, requiring that not only the correct output is the highest but also that it beats the next highest output by a certain margin. And maybe even vary the gradient weight in a reverse proportion to this margin. But I doubt that it would solve the problem with the stubborn 5.5% of the test set.

Yet another interesting development is that the CORNER activation seems to work quite well. I've added the third layer with it, and it produced better results. My previous impression that the deeper networks train slower was based on a limited number of training passes, the larger models are slower there, but as the pass count goes into multiple thousands, more neurons do help to squeeze out a better quality. Of course, each pass is slower with more neurons, but as far as the progress per pass is concerned, the larger networks do better on the later rounds.

Where the new feature is in the code: 


Setting the FloatNeuralnet option isClassifier_ to true enables this new classifier training mode. The option correctMultiplier_ defines the penalty gradient multiplier for the cases that are already correct (the default of 0.001 there is a bit too much of a penalty, 0.01 looks better). And since the correct and incorrect cases are counted for re-scaling the training rate appropriately, these counters are now also available externally too via methods:

size_t getPassCorrect() const;
size_t getPassIncorrect() const;

This allows to compute the error rate easily from the results of a training pass. They get computed only if the classifier training mode is enabled, and they show the error rate as it was before the last training pass, it will change after applying the gradient. The classifier mode can be used with both the piecemeal steps of applying the training rate in train() method and with applyGradient(), but only applyGradient() is able to do the automatic scaling of the training rate to compensate for the shrinkage.


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